Illinois Learning Standards for Fine Arts

Applications of Learning

“Through Applications of Learning, students demonstrate and deepen their understanding of basic knowledge and skills. These applied learning skills cross academic disciplines and reinforce the important learning of the disciplines. The ability to use these skills will greatly influence students’ success in school, in the workplace and in the community.”

Solving Problems

“Recognize and investigate problems; formulate and propose solutions supported by reason and evidence.

Problem solving is integral to the arts—providing students the opportunity to innovate and seek original solutions to open-ended problems. Multiple solutions are constructed using various sensory modes, traditional and electronic media and tools, and individual and group experiences. Students learn the relationships between processes and end products; they learn to communicate ideas, themes and meaning through solving problems in their art work.”


“Express and interpret information and ideas.

The arts are forms of communication extending beyond reading, writing, listening and speaking. Communicating in the fine arts means learning to translate ideas through dance, drama, music and visual arts. Students also participate in the communication process as receivers– observing, analyzing, evaluating, critiquing and interacting.”

Using Technology

“Use appropriate instruments, electronic equipment, computers and networks to access information, process ideas and communicate results.

Computers, synthesizers, film and video provide opportunities to create and record sound composition, animated images, montages and other works. These experiences can lead to careers in areas such as music, graphic arts, video and film production, scene design and choreography. Technology (CD-ROM, slides, film, video, laserdisk, on-line services) also can link the classroom with the work of renowned artists and performers.”

Working on Teams

“Learn and contribute productively as individuals and as members of groups.

Individual creativity and inspiration are at the heart of the arts, but so are collaboration and group dynamics. Teamwork activities include planning dramatic scenes, developing choreography, creating group murals and performing music in ensembles. These activities give students experience in communicating ideas, considering the ideas of others and reaching consensus.”

Making Connections

“Recognize and apply connections of important information and ideas within and among learning areas.

Through the arts, students observe how dance, drama, music and visual art reflect history, society and everyday life. They see links between the individual and society in the creation and understanding of works of art. The arts relate to and reinforce other learning areas—for example, dance and the language arts (action relating to words and poetry), drama and social science (theatre conveying history and culture), music and mathematics (note duration expressed in fractions).”

Here is the link to the official website:

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